Friday, May 18, 2012

A New Beginning...

My first blog post ever! I'm so excited!

I decided to start this blog for a lot of different reasons. After graduating college with a degree in Liberal Studies and Elementary Education, I thought my only option was to join the chaotic world of the Southern California public schools.  I knew I wasn't ready, the economy at the time was still shaky and teaching jobs were few and far between.  I had a tutoring company that I started my 2nd year in school so I chose to keep growing it after I graduated. I had all the ingredients to own a successful business  (e.g. a strong client base, wonderful tutors) so I decided to go with it and had referrals pouring in by the minute! I must admit I love many aspects of running my own business.  I get to be my own boss, set my own hours, rates and I get to work closely with wonderful kids from all ages and cultural backgrounds.  Running a business has taught me to keep trying no matter how many times things don't go your way.  

Recently, I've decided to combine my passion for teaching and health.  In the past few years I've completely immersed myself in the wellness world and I'm certain this transition is a permanent one.  My ultimate goal is to work for a non-profit geared toward implementing healthier food options in the public school as well as ending child obesity while promoting holistic wellness as a way of life.  This is where my love for kids and my obsession with health will come together and flourish. I figured this blog would be the perfect platform for me to share my views and tips on health. You gotta start somewhere, right?  



1 comment:

  1. You are going to flourish in this industry, just like you have done with your own business. I am so excited for the journey you are about to partake on, and cait wait to come along for the ride. What you have to offer seems simply amazing and from the heart. It is a true passion of yours and I am so happy you're going to share it with others!
